Not only is the Qur'an the first work of any significant length written in the language it also has a far more complicated structure than the earlier literary works with its 114 suras (chapters) which contain 6,236 ayat (verses). The language used in the Qur'an is called classical Arabic and while modern Arabic has diverged slightly, the classical is still the style to be admired. The Qur'an had a significant influence on the Arab language. The Qur'an was the first major work of Arabic literature and the most influential. However they can be stories and novels and even fairy tales as well.

These collections probably give us a biased picture of the writings of the time as only the best poems are preserved some of the poems may represent only the best part of a long poem. This tradition was captured over two centuries later with two important compilations of the Mu'allaqat and the Mufaddaliyat. The final decades of the sixth century, however, begin to show the flowering of a lively written tradition. Tales like those about Sinbad and Antar bin Shaddad were probably current, but were recorded later. While this ignorance refers mainly to religious ignorance, there is little written literature before this time, although significant oral tradition is postulated. The period before the writing of the Qur'an and the rise of Islam is known to Muslims as Jahiliyyah or period of ignorance. Pre-Islamic literature Further information: Pre-Islamic poetry Arabic literature flourished during the Islamic Golden Age and continues to the present day. It was the Qur'an in the seventh century which would have the greatest lasting effect on Arabic culture and its literature. Arabic literature emerged in the sixth century with only fragments of the written language appearing before then.